5 Minute Reflection Journal
Our 5 Minute Reflection Journal provides a brief, structured opportunity for you to process the experiences and emotions of any given day in a supportive manner.
5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise
Our 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise helps you regain control of the present moment and calm your mind by focusing on your immediate physical environment through sensory awareness.
30 Coping Skills
Effective coping strategies empower survivors to reclaim their lives, promote self-compassion, and enhance overall well-being, facilitating a path towards recovery and healing.
Feelings Wheel
A feelings wheel helps survivors identify and articulate their emotions, fostering greater emotional awareness and promoting healthier communication and coping strategies..
Coloring Pages
Nora & Co. is proud to partner with Payton Brown Art to offer these custom designed coloring pages inspired by the artwork of survivors.